The recycling of old clothes has been called the next frontier for cities looking to reduce solid waste.
Check out the following resources for training and educational support of your organization’s recycling initiative:
ARC Training Video – To request a copy of our new training video for staff and volunteers, click here.
Case Studies – We love our thrift store partners and are pleased to share a few of their stories. To request a copy of our must recent customer case studies, click here.
Salvage Guidelines – We accept reusable salvage items, not trash or items that are broken, soiled or wet. Click here for a full list of items we do and do not accept.
Gaylord Labels – We recommend that you label gaylords to help simplify the sorting process for staff and volunteers. Click here for a printable ARC gaylord label file.
ARC Newsletter – We love to share stories with our partners on how to improve operational efficiencies and tips on recycling. Click here to join our email list.